Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Complete Meal courtesy Jannishal

I was not in the mood for cooking today so I decided to make some simple, easy and quick recipes where the oven will do most of the cooking. The dish above is what I call the complete meal. It's no fuss and I really added my very own touch to it making the most of the ingredients I had in my Pantry. First up was my Assortment of Baked Vegetables. This is a recipe that is close to my heart because my family love vegetables so much and it's completely low fat and full of fiber. Next is my Pimento Bean Stew and below is the pimentos that is totally indigenous to Trinidad and Tobago. Yum! I really love pimento peppers, they are so flavourful and adds a delightful taste to rice, meats and sauces. My last dish was Oven Fried Chicken. I used only breast pieces aka white meat. The wonderful thing about this meal is that you get your carbs, protein, fiber,vegetables ie. a balanced meal all in one.

Assortment of Baked Vegetables

6 half cooked medium sized potatoes cubed
2 medium sized sweet peppers cubed
5 cucumbers cut in circles
1/2 cabbage head rough chopped(see picture below)
1/2 purple cabbage head rough chopped
2 carrots cut in small quarters
1/2 patchoi rough chopped(white part only)
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp of dried oregano (my favorite herb)
1-2 tsps of chili powder
2 tsps salt (it all depends on your taste)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Combine all ingredients in a large greased baking dish.

Mix throughly(see pic below), and bake in oven.

It should take about 30-45 minutes, vegetables should still have a little crunch when bitten, al dente, and potatoes should be well done(tender).

Justify FullOkay we're done, it's that simple.

NOTE: If you want more spice and tastiness you can add spices of your own that you like. If you want less you can add just salt. It's all up to you, that's the beauty and flexibility of recipes, you can change them to suit you.

Oven Fried Chicken

8 pieces of pre-marinated chicken breast boned or deboned
( You can use the dark meat pieces,thigh and leg, if you prefer those, it's all up to you)


1 cup of Flour
1 cup of Seasoned Breadcrumbs
1 cup of Milk (I added my Mom's Pepper Sauce, which I discussed in an earlier post, to the milk)
1 tsp of Chili powder
1 egg
3 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Prepare baking sheet pan. I used rectangular baking sheet.

Create an assembly line. One container with flour, another with seasoned bread crumbs and a third with the milk.

Add chili powder and egg to the milk and stir till well blended.

Coat chicken breast with flour, then dip in milk/egg mixture and then coat with seasoned breadcrumbs.

Place on baking sheet.

Continue with this procedure for the rest of the chicken.

Sprinkle extra virgin olive oil on each chicken piece. See picture below.

Place in oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes until crust is golden and the chicken are just done and tender.

Note: Remember breast meat do not take long to cook so make sure to check and test after 30 minutes. If you are using thigh and legs it will take longer for the meat to cook about 40 to 45 minutes.

Completely Delicious

Well my Pimento Bean Stew will have to be posted another time because I really want to re test the recipe but you can use any peas and bean sauce you like with these recipes.

Serves 8

Bon Apetite

And Please give credit where credit is due. If you want to post these recipes elsewhere please don't say it's yours. At least have the common courtesy to refer to my blog site. Much appreciated.

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