Wednesday, April 22, 2009

World Earth Day

As you know today is World Earth Day. People everywhere are celebrating this day by turning off lights, keeping the environment clean, going green, turn off taps(don't leave water flowing unnecessarily), planting trees or doing their small part to appreciate this planet we call home.

Today my sister informed me that Disney and Nickelodeon channels are all broadcasting earth friendly programs to bring an awareness to World Earth Day. Yesterday night I watched the entire episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 going green. It was an hour long on TLC and they installed thermal and solar panels and other environmentally friendly, energy conserving devices. It's important than we conserve and preserve our planet because we only have one earth.

Trinidad recently held The Summit of The Americas and my sister worked at that Summit. This week she gave me a recycled book and pen. It was really neat. I'm doing my part by starting a home garden. I'll post a few pictures in the coming weeks. You can support Earth Day by buying Earth Day T-Shirts and Posters for Earth Day's Website.

For information on Earth Day and what it entails visit Earth Day Network.

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