Thursday, April 23, 2009

Light Fruit Cake Served w/ Whipped Cream

Recipe Photos are the Property of

I wanted to make a fruit cake but not the Black Christmas Fruit Cake that Trinidad is known for, instead I opted for a Light Fruit Cake. I began rummaging through all the cookbooks that I own and came across a Light Fruit Cake Recipe from the Cookbook 500 Fabulous Cakes and Bakes. I think it was written in 2005. I'm not sure but I decided to make this recipe. I did not have a few of the ingredients so I definitely substituted.

The cake turned out extremely well but the only thing I would add is a cup of Cherry Brandy after the Cake has been made. This is an American based Light Fruit Cake, but here in Trinidad we like our fruit cakes more moist and that's one thing I felt this recipe lacked. So next time I'll do like my mom does her Fruit Cake and throw a cup of Cherry Brandy on the cake as soon as it 's out of the oven. The directions can be seen below but while making this cake , I creamed my butter and sugar first, then added the eggs one at a time, mixing after each egg. Then I added all the other ingredients.

Recipe Photos are the Property of

Light Fruit Cake


1 cup soft butter
1 cup castor sugar ( I used 1 cup granulated sugar)
grated rind of one orange
5 eggs, beaten
2 and 3/4 cups all purpose flour ( I used Cake Flour instead)
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp mixed spice
3/4 cup currants
1 cup raisins
1 cup sultanas
1/3 cup dried, ready-to-eat apricots
2/3 cup mixed peel

Instead of the last two ingredients, the apricots and mixed peel, I used 1 cup of my Mom's Black Cake Christmas Fruit Filling and added a few mixed peel in the cup.


Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius/300 degrees F/Gas 2. Grease a deep 8 inch round pan or 7 inch square cake pan. Line the base and sides with a double thickness of greaseproof paper and grease the paper.

Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl, snipping in the apricots in strips, using kitchen scissors. Beat thoroughly with a wooden spoon for 3-4 minutes, until thoroughly mixed.

Spoon the mixture into the cake tin. Make a slight depression in the centre. Bake in the centre of the oven for 2 ½ – 3 ¼ hours. Test the cake after two and half hours. If it is ready it will feel firm and a skewer inserted in the centre will come out clean. Test at intervals if necessary. Cover the top loosely with foil if it starts to brown too quickly.

Leave the cake to cool completely in the tin. Then turn out. The lining paper can be left on to help keep the cake moist. I recommend frosting this cake or throw a 1/2 cup of Cherry Brandy, fruity Wine or rum over the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven.

Bon Appetite

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