Monday, April 27, 2009

Whole Wheat Bread

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This is an adapted recipe from the Multigrain recipe found in 500 Fabulous Cakes and Bakes, page 68. I bought this cookbook from THE LOGOS: a mobile bookstore that travels around the world via boat/ship. They paid a visit to my beautiful country and they were loaded with so many books. There were so many to choose from comprising different genres and disciplines. What I like about this recipe is the health benefits. It contains fibre and the oats reduces cholesterol. This is a very flexible recipe. It states that you can try different flours, such as rye, cornmeal, buckwheat or barley to replace the wheatgerm and the soya flour. I did not use soya flour instead I added whole wheat flour.

Whole Wheat Bread


1 tbsp active dried yeast
1/4 cup luke warm water
3/4 cup rolled oats
2 cups milk
2 tsp salt
1/4 cup oil
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2 tbsp honey
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 oz wheatgerm
1 ½ cups whole wheat flour ( You can used a different flour, in the recipe they used soya flour)
scant 2 and 1/2 cups of wholemeal flour
4 cups of strong flour or bread flour

Note: Scant means
Falling short of a specific measure ex. a scant cup of sugar.

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Combine the yeast and water, stir, and leave for about 15 minutes to dissolve. Place the oats in a large bowl.. Scald the milk, then pour over the rolled oats. Stir in the salt, oil, sugar and honey. Leave until lukewarm. At this point I used an ice bath to cool the mixture quickly.

Stir in the yeast mixture, eggs, wheat germ, soya and whole meal flours. Gradually stir in enough strong flour to obtain a rough dough.Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead, adding flour if necessary, until smooth and elastic. At this point i felt my dough was a little stiff but when it started to rise I didn't worry about it too much. Return to a clean bowl, cover and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about two and half hours.

Grease two 22 by 11cm/8 1/2 by 4 1/2 loaf tins. Punch down the risen dough and knead briefly. then divide the dough into quarters. Roll each quarter into a cylinder 4cm/1 1/2 inch thick. Twist together two cylinders and place in tin; repeat for the remaining cylinders. At this stage I did not go through this process instead I just divided my dough in three, rolled each into logs and place in the pans to rise. Cover and leave to rise until doubled in volume again, about 1 hour. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190 degrees C/ 375 degrees F/ Gas 5.

Bake until the bases sound hollow when tapped lightly, about 45-50 minutes. Turn out and cool on a wire rack.

Bon Appetite

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