Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Losing Weight

This is an interesting article I found about losing weight. These are really good tips for losing weight and cannot hurt at all. Just try it. The article was written by Jennifer R. Scott.

Losing weight is not easy. You will never hear me say that it is. It takes dedication, motivation and hard work. But by making a few easy changes you can get the ball rolling on losing weight.
If you're serious about changing your lifestyle, these steps help get you there. The key is to dedicate yourself to these changes and do them consistently.
No, losing weight isn't a walk in the park. But by following these steps ... you may find it's a little easier than you think!

First up, let's take a look at some simple ways to make significant improvements in your diet.

If foods like burgers are basic to your current diet, cutting out red meat can go a long way in helping you make healthier meal choices and losing weight.
By building your meals around fish and poultry, you can more easily keep temptation at bay by eliminating many poor fast food and restaurant choices, which are over-sized and high in fat.
To keep your shellfish, fish, chicken, and turkey diet-friendly, be sure to choose the right preparation method (see #2). Be wary of creamy, high-cal condiments that come with entrees, like tartar sauce or special sauce on grilled chicken sandwiches.

Keep your healthier choices truly healthy by grilling, baking, roasting, broiling or boiling them.
o Keep things interesting by adding low-cal condiments to your usual fare. A tangy barbecue sauce will give boiled chicken a kick. Lemon-herb dressing will complement broiled fish deliciously.
o Make sure your spice rack is always stocked with plenty of herbs and spices so you can doctor up your favorite dishes to your own taste without adding any additional fat or calories. Plant an herb garden and you'll never run out!
o If you often eat fast food, forget that "value meals" and "combos" even exist; they seem like a better deal, but they're just not worth the extra calories! Stick to a grilled chicken sandwich or a child's hamburger and a side salad (watch the dressing!) when you're on the run.

For More of this delightful read check Loss

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